Laser Medicine, London is a Harley Street Fertility Clinic that focuses solely on how to improve egg quality for IVF with the application of Low Level Laser Light. Photobiomodulation Therapy may improve fertility for women over 35, who have been affected by lower quality egg as a result of the ageing process. Regardless of whether patients undergo clinical IVF / Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), or are trying to conceive (TTC) naturally, light therapy promotes the production of a healthy embryo by improving egg quality. Women less than 35 years generally do not respond to Light Therapy for Fertility, as egg quality is not normally an issue for younger women.
Please visit our Services page to find out about a Laser Medicine course of treatments in Low Level Laser for Fertility.
Important Factors for Improving Egg Quality
The best fertility clinics in the world, many of them based in the local Harley Street area, concur in the major factors to consider in how to improve egg quality for IVF.
Blood Flow
Oxygen-rich blood flow to the ovaries is essential for the health of eggs. This is probably the most important area in which Low Level Laser or the Photobiomodulation process aids egg quality. By improving blood flow to the reproductive system, more nutrients and oxygen is able to get through and boost the health of the eggs. A sequence of biological processes, triggered by Photobiomodulation, increases mitochondrial activity and the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) – the body’s energy or fuel.
Healthy Diet / Nutrition
Eating highly nutritious food, also helps to improve egg quality because it delivers and supports cellular energy. Vitamin D is essential for women who aim to become pregnant, and a deficiency in Vitamin D has been linked to hormonal imbalances. Including Omega 3 and Fatty Acids may also influence egg quality too. Nutrient rich foods such as vegetables, fish and eggs can support fertility. Avoiding processed foods, saturated fats, and sugar are also essential factors for improving egg quality. Maintaining a healthy weight is linked to improving egg quality too.
Lifestyle Factors
Refraining from smoking , vaping, drinking alcohol, and getting plenty of exercise helps the process of delivering oxygenated blood to the reproductive system and subsequently improving egg quality. Studies have shown that smoking negatively impacts fertility, as the chemicals contained in cigarettes can speed up egg loss in the ovaries.
Stress Management
When we are stressed, prolactin and cortisol levels are raised in our blood, which can negatively impact on egg quality. Any activities which reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, exercise, spending time in nature and / or with pets, enjoying time with family and friends, and forgetting about our worries will boost overall health and our body’s efficiency. Rest is also important, as is regular sleep, away from electronic devices.
Environmental Factors
The effects of chemical stress and other toxins in the environment can also impact on egg quality, particularly this found in hard plastics. Studies have found that BPA can affect egg health.
Low Level Laser Therapy / PBMT for Improved Egg Quality
Laser Therapy, also known as Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) has proven successful in various clinics worldwide for addressing the issues of how to improve egg quality for IVF, slow down the ageing process and significantly improve fertility in women (and men). Success rates have proved as high as 65% for patients who have failed to fall pregnant many times before using various methods of TTC. Furthermore, laboratory studies have repeatedly shown the effectiveness of Low Level Laser Therapy for Fertility due to enhanced mitochondrial activity and ATP production, increased blood flow and the reduction of oxidative damage, promoting the energetic value of the developing embryo in early stages. At our Harley Street fertility clinic, we continue to monitor and celebrate the positive effects of photobiomodulation for reproductive health and fertility.
Please visit our Services page to find out about a Laser Medicine course of treatments in Low Level Laser for Fertility.
Egg Quality Improvement Programmes
The optimum age for promoting fertilisation via LLLT is for women in the mature age group of 35-50, because reproductive cells are more likely to lack cellular energy from the ageing process.
At the Laser Medicine London, Harley Street Fertility Clinic, we work with each individual patient when looking at how to improve egg quality for IVF and optimise their overall health. We use recognised standard fertility LLLT / light therapy protocols, in conjunction with many other PBMT protocols to maximise the overall health and efficiency of the individual patient, and production of a healthy embryo. In total, the mechanisms and protocols we use are designed to help rejuvenate eggs and sperm mobility, maximise egg quality potential, and to prepare the body for fertilisation, and the development of healthy embryo leading to a full-term pregnancy.
Low Level Laser Treatment is recommended during the lead up to a fertilisation, regardless of whether fertilisation is to be achieved via natural or ART/IVF methods. It prepares the body and reproductive organs, and promotes optimum conditions for conception to take place. The overall general health and age of a patient determines the frequency of treatment, which is normally around 2-3 treatments every 6 weeks. During a period of trying to conceive (either via natural or IVF methods), we base our protocols around a schedule of 6 treatments over a period of 2 weeks from Day 1 to Day 14 of the cycle, and if conception does not take place, to repeat the following month.
About Laser Medicine
Laser Medicine is a member of the following professional bodies:
- British Medical Laser Association (BMLA).
- Complementary Medical Association (CMA).
For more information on the Laser Medicine London, Harley Street Fertility Clinic and our Laser Therapy for Fertility Services.
To talk to us directly and discuss how PBMT or Low Level Laser may be suitable for you, please Contact Us.