Low Level Laser Therapy is extremely effective for addiction treatment and recovery. We use it for treating addiction to substances such as cocaine, heroin, cannabis, alcohol, crystal meth, opiates, speed, ketamine, MDMA, Morphine, Methadone, pain killers, sleeping pills and other street and prescription drugs. Low Level Laser Therapy for Addiction is successful in treating process dependencies such as sex addiction, love addiction and anorexia bulimia.
Low Level Laser Therapy decreases feelings of craving and anxiety. Instead it increases feelings of improved well-being as it painlessly stimulates the release of endorphins with no side effects. Clinical trials in America in 2013 showed that bringing Low Level Laser to the prelimbic region of the prefrontal cortex eradicated the desire for compulsive drug use. (Bonci NIDA 2013). Techniques such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Auricular Acupuncture using Low Level (Cold) Laser, have been widely used in many treatment centres in North America and proven to decrease compulsive drug-seeking behaviours within patients. We use both of these techniques for treating substance and process addiction.
At Laser Medicine we have developed cold laser protocols for TMS and Auricular Acupuncture over many years, which have proved reliably effective for people recovering from substance and process addictions. We believe that our years in the field of addiction research and experience, combined with our expertise in using Low Level Laser to treat a wide range of medical conditions, places us in a unique position as specialist Therapeutic Laser practitioners for addiction recovery in the UK.
Our protocols, which combine the application of Cold Laser within the acupuncture system, address the overall health of our patients, not only helping them through withdrawal but also improving underlying health conditions such as digestion, sleep, anxiety and depression. Therapeutic Laser also offers a safe and natural alternative to prescription anti-depressant drugs.
Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy for addiction include:
- Withdrawal and cravings non-existent
- Detoxification and repair of the body as it heals
- Stress and anxiety replaced by feelings of well-being
- Pain relief
- Clearer and more positive thinking
- Improved sleep
- Better digestion and elimination
- Improved immune system
- More energy
- Relief from fatigue, cramps and vomiting
Please also refer to our treatments for trauma, stress, depression, smoking cessation and pain relief.