At Laser Medicine, London, we support the work of leading clinical fertility clinics around the world, and also help people who are trying to conceive naturally. Low Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT), also known as Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBM), is recognised as an ancillary treatment for people who are going through IVF or trying to conceive naturally. Recent clinical studies have explored the effectiveness of ozone therapy as a potential therapeutic adjunct for improving female reproductive health. Laser Medicine is now able to offer a combination fertility and conception therapy of Low Level Laser Therapy and Ozone Therapy, from our Harley Street and Baker Street clinics in London.

Low Level Laser Therapy is also known as Red Light Therapy (because of the wavelengths used within the Infrared / Near Infrared range (600-1000nm)). A combination of Ozone Therapy and / or Low Level Laser Therapy for Fertility can promote good reproductive health and improve egg quality for older men and women, and we are seeing very good results in our London clinic.

Please visit our Services page to find out about a Laser Medicine course of treatments in Low Level Laser for Fertility.

Ozone therapy to improve fertility.

In partnership with leading Ozone Therapy specialists in the Harley Street area, we offer patients the most appropriate course of ozone therapy, during their course of Low Level Laser Therapy for Fertility. Together we are studying the effectiveness of using these two widely recognised adjunct therapies to support female (and potentially male) reproductive health.

OzoneTherapy as an IVF ancillary treatment.

Ozone Therapy is a newly emerging therapy which may offer hope to women with early premature ovarian failure, diminished ovarian reserve, tubular occlusion, and to those who are advanced in reproductive age, or have had repeated IVF failure or low egg reserve. A recent review of a several clinical studies (Merhi et al, New York, Texas, USA) suggests that ozone therapy can aid fertility. This article summarises the main studies carried out to date. Studies at this current time are limited – only two of the studies below were carried out on humans, and there are no studies to date for ‘unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss’. Please read on for a summary of this paper with key findings:

Study 1: Fallopian Tubal Occlusion

This study was carried out on 400 infertile women with tubal obstruction. They were given tubal recanalization, either with ozone or saline. A significantly higher recanalization rate in the ozone group led to a higher rate of pregnancies within 12 months, suggesting that ozone therapy could improve conception rate for women with fallopian tube occlusion.

Study 2: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Infection and inflammation in the urinary tract can affect fallopian tubes, uterus and adjacent pelvic structure, cause chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancies. A study was carried out where female rats were given ozone injections and significant reductions in inflammation were observed, providing evidence that ozone may alleviate inflammatory disease.

Study 3, 4 and 5: Endometrial factor

This was a study carried out on cows to reduce the inflammation observed in endometritis. Cows treated with ozone spray after calving had a better conception rate and fell pregnant earlier than cows in the control group, suggesting that ozone therapy may improve the reproductive potential in dairy cows. Further studies were carried out on ewes and female goats where ozone therapy produced better results than with a control group where antibiotics were used.

Study 6 and 7: Vaginal factor

A significant human study was carried out on women with vaginal infections, in which 8/50 women fell pregnant within 3 months of ozone therapy. This study shows that ozone therapy can be useful in the treatment of genital inflammatory diseases, potentially improving fertility. A further study was carried out on cows with vaginal issues, also suggesting the effectiveness of ozone therapy for urovagina leading to successful pregnancies.

Study 8 and 9: Ovarian factor

A clinical study carried out on female rats suggested that ozone therapy may improve ovarian torsion – reduced blood flow to the ovaries. The results showed the potential effectiveness of ozone therapy for ischemia / repurfusion injury, which spares the ovaries as a method of treatment. A similar study showed the effectiveness of ozone therapy for the treatment of ovarian tissue injury.

Study 10: Pelvic adhesions

This study also carried out on female rats, concluded the ozone therapy could attenuate postoperative uterine adhesions.

Low Level Laser Therapy / PBMT as an adjunct IVF treatment.

Laser Therapy, also known as Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) has proven successful in various clinics worldwide as an IVF ancillary treatment. Success rates have proved as high as 65% for patients who have failed to fall pregnant many times before using various methods of TTC. Furthermore, laboratory studies have repeatedly shown the effectiveness of Low Level Laser Therapy for Fertility due to enhanced mitochondrial activity and ATP production, increased blood flow and the reduction of oxidative damage, promoting the energetic value of the developing embryo in early stages. At our Harley Street fertility clinic, we continue to monitor and celebrate the positive effects of photobiomodulation for reproductive health and fertility.

Please visit our Services page to find out about a Laser Medicine course of treatments in Low Level Laser for Fertility.

LLLT Courses to Improve Egg Quality

The optimum age for promoting fertilisation via LLLT is for women in the mature age group of 35-50, because reproductive cells are more likely to lack cellular energy as a result of the ageing process.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)is recommended as an IVF ancillary treatment, during the lead up to a fertilisation, regardless of whether fertilisation is to be achieved via natural or ART/IVF methods. It prepares the body and reproductive organs, and promotes optimum conditions for conception to take place. In some cases we would recommend LLLT in combination with Ovarian PRP.

The overall general health and age of a patient determines the frequency of treatment, which is normally around 2-3 treatments every 6 weeks. During a period of trying to conceive (either via natural or IVF methods), we base our protocols around a schedule of 6 treatments over a period of 2 weeks from Day 1 to Day 14 of the cycle, and if conception does not take place, to repeat the following month.

About Laser Medicine

Laser Medicine is a member of the following professional bodies:

  • British Medical Laser Association (BMLA).
  • Complementary Medical Association (CMA).

For more information on the Laser Medicine London, Harley Street Fertility Clinic and our Laser Therapy for Fertility Services.

To talk to us directly and discuss how PBMT or Low Level Laser may be suitable for you, please Contact Us.