To offer out patients the best possible opportunity for fertility and conception, we encourage a holistic approach which focuses on mental and emotional health. We recognise the benefits of hypnotherapy for fertility and partner with Jo Simons, Fertility Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach.

Hypnotherapy for fertility

Jo is a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach, who specialises in helping patients struggle with anxiety, fears, and overwhelm and has worked with many people on their fertility journey. Jo supports patients to gain the tools and mindset to feel calm and gain higher levels of self esteem and confidence, so they feel happier, in control and more optimistic about the future.

Jo can relate to some of the challenges that people may have on their fertility journey. She spent years trying to conceive and went through IUI and IVF procedures. Jo suffered the usual gremlins of “not feeling good enough”, general anxiety, jealousy, and the feeling of being out of control which come to the forefront and experienced the benefits of hypnotherapy for fertility herself. After falling pregnant and having her daughter Jo retrained so she could support other women on their Fertility journey and through Pregnancy. Jo has specific training in Hypnotherapy for Fertility and uses an array of natural tools depending on the client from NLP, CBT, Positive Psychology, Hypnosis as well as Life Coaching.

How can Hypnotherapy for Fertility help?

Hypnotherapy for fertility sessions can help to support the journey to parenthood. They help you find the best emotional place to navigate through unexplained infertility, assisted fertility programmes,  the trauma of a miscarriage, IVF failure, or a bereavement.  

  • Gain the tools to reduce anxiety and manage stress. 
  • Rebuild confidence and self-esteem and reframing that feeling of “I am a failure” or “I am not good enough.”
  • Help to manage emotions caused by not being able to grow your family, as well as feelings of jealousy, isolation, anger or guilt.
  • Help to give up any unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol or food addictions. 
  • If necessary, help overcome fear of needles, hospital procedures or perhaps pregnancy, miscarriage, birth and/or parenthood.
  • Resolve beliefs which may hinder conception, such as fears about pregnancy, childbirth or being a parent.
  • Resolve relationship issues, as the fertility journey can be tough on relationships.
  • Come to terms with infertility if necessary.

For more information on Hypnotherapy for Fertility please click here.

To talk to us about our Fertility Rejuvenation Programme please Contact Us and we will be happy to discuss.